Mundo Latino

Mundo Latino

Bilingual (English and Spanish) radio show hosted by Martha and Deisy Escobar every Friday from 4 to 6 pm on 89.7 WTBR FM. Great way to hear about local events, services, and organizations accompanied by feel-good music and special guest speakers. Programa de radio...
Berkshire Immigrant Center

Berkshire Immigrant Center

*LOW-COST IMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICES* The Berkshire Immigrant Center is a non-profit offering low-cost legal assistance and other support to those navigating the U.S. immigration system in Berkshire County and beyond. Our services include the following: IMMIGRATION...
BCC Adult ESOL Program

BCC Adult ESOL Program

We teach FREE English classes to adult immigrants. We have beginner, intermediate and advanced classes. We offer in-person morning classes in Great Barrington and evening classes in Great Barrington and Lee. Our classes meet 2 times a week for 3 hours each class,...
Literacy Network (LitNet)

Literacy Network (LitNet)

The Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) has been offering free, one-on-one tutoring sessions for adults since 1991.  LitNet’s flexible, personalized approach to tutoring enables adult learners to learn English, succeed in their jobs, get new jobs, support...