Tracking ICE Activity in Berkshire County

This form, developed by the Berkshire Alliance to Support the Immigrant Community (BASIC), is to be used to report I.C.E activity in the Berkshires and I.C.E detentions of Berkshire County residents. This is NOT a rapid response tool, and no assistance of any kind will be provided simply by filling out this form. However, BASIC will compile the information and use it to inform trainings and initiatives. We may follow up with those who have filled out the form to ask clarifying questions.

Please follow these guidelines:

Only fill out this form if you have received detailed information from a known member of the community about I.C.E activity. Please do not fill out this form if you have simply heard a rumor and have not spoken to anyone who witnessed or was privy to the incident.

Do NOT include any identifying information about any individuals. Instead, please use descriptors based on age, race, gender, etc.

ICE Tracking Form