¿Tiene preguntas sobre cómo obtener una licencia de Massachusetts? ¿Quieres asegurarte de tener la documentación correcta? Regístrese para una cita aquí: https://forms.gle/ciE4V3WW7g795qRw7
Do you have questions about how to get a Massachusetts License? Do you want to make sure you have the correct documentation? Sign up for an appointment here: https://forms.gle/ciE4V3WW7g795qRw7
Javier Luengo from the MA ACLU
Becky Meier from the BCC ESOL Program
We welcome your events!
This calendar is only for events that are free or low-cost and welcoming to the immigrant community. If you have questions about whether your event fits this description, please feel free to contact us.
You may add an event to our calendar by using the form here.
Please note that all new event submissions will be subject to approval by BASIC. We cannot guarantee that because an event has been submitted, it will be approved.